Thursday, November 1, 2012


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I haven't written anything any more beautiful or inspiring than a grocery list in days. I did start one of those obnoxious Gratitude journals though. The ones where you write a one sentence something at the end of every day, saying what you're grateful for.
It lasted for two days, and then was abandoned like a one night stand you accidentally got pregnant.
Right now I guess I am grateful that it's November.
I love November. Nights are chilly and soup recipes are abundant. Lainie's birthday comes up, and it's time to start planning for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. The food and the lazy casual feeling of the day. Just lounging around, eating snacks and appetizers, waiting for a meal of epic proportions to be ready, and then eating that, and then sleeping. And I think you can always tell who really loves you, and considers themself your family, by who stops by on Thanksgiving. The ones who don't need an invitation, who don't over think it, they just drop by for appetizers and bring wine, or they come for dinner because they know you made plenty of food for everyone, or they come over around dessert to fill you in on all the drama with their family that holidays always seem to bring, and you laugh together over pie and the last couple glasses of wine, while everyone else in the house naps on couches, floors and wherever they could find a place to lay down.
November is like my new year. I clean out my closet, I throw things away. When we want to have a little fire in the backyard, the scraps of last year's tragedies make perfect kindling.
It's time to clean up, clean out, and look forward.
I am grateful for November.


And just because you didn't ask, some more things I might be grateful for right now....

My new dining room table and the fun things the kids and I have already found to do at it.
Good music I've never heard before.
Halloween visitors.
Hot showers.
3rd quarter profit sharing.
My car, for staying alive this long.
Pumpkin pie.
Pumpkin coffee.
Pumpkin scented candles.
Lainie, for giving me a birthday to celebrate this month.
Bill, for still being there.
Jack, for making me laugh.

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